"From Glory to Glory" was established in 2017 with one mission in mind: To bring healing to the hopeless, hurting and the brokenhearted thereby making it possible to see ourselves the way that the Lord sees us – a finished product, changed from Glory to Glory. II Corinthians states that "But we all, with open face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord." My intent is to offer awareness and interaction for the Believers and perhaps, the Non-believers as well, to experience the presence of God through the printed text based upon His Word. It is Father’s intent that we are changed each day from faith to faith and “ From Glory to Glory.”

Dr. Marye Smith

Minister . Speaker . Author .

. Educator . Life Coach

Minister Dr. Marye Smith has served the Lord since 1980 and was soon after called into the ministry. Since her call to the ministry, the Lord has used her to reach children, young women, seasoned women, and others who are of like precious faith. Her heart is for the lost, the hopeless, the hurting, and the brokenhearted.  Her ministry is one of love for God’s Word and His people. 

Minister Smith received her BA degree in English from Paine College in Augusta, Georgia, her teaching certification from Mercer University in Macon Georgia. She received her MA degree in Education from Cambridge College in Cambridge, Massachusetts, and her Specialist in Education and her Doctoral degree in Higher Education and Adult Learning from Walden University, in Minneapolis Minnesota. She is an educator of 30 years plus, a certified Teacher Support Specialist, Academic Coach, and certified Online Teacher who sees her career, and strong family ties as a direct connection to the call of God on her life.   

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A Forty-Day Journey into the Word of God: Devotional


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